Popular Articles

  1. Starter Project Templates

    2024-2 Project Management Context Not having a standard way to plan and manage projects is a common challenge among project managers. This is why adopting a configurable template approach from project sel...
  2.  Status Reporting

  3.  Requests - Videos

  4.  Programs

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  5.  Projects - Videos

  6. Microsoft OneNote

    This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer. In addition to the standard note that can be added to a project in the Communications tab, you also have the option to create Microsoft OneNote notes that are saved as p...
  7. Global Settings

    2024-2 Project Management Context To enable project schedules to accurately reflect the organization's work practices, users with the BrightWork PMO Manager or System Administrator security role have the ability to set and update global c...
  8. Configure User Security Roles

  9. Add a New Form Tab

    This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer. Be sure to first read the Customization Notes article. If you are using BrightWork 365 release September 2023 (v1.8) or newer, also first read  Form Configurator ....
  10.  Form Configurator
