Team Member Syllabus

Training Introduction

This role-based training content is used by our BrightWork Customer Success Partners as part of BrightWork 365 Service Offerings. This sample content can be adjusted by the BrightWork Champion along with the Customer Success Partner to ensure proper tracking with the customer’s custom solution.

Confirm attendees have all relevant Security Roles and Licenses to successfully access their BrightWork 365 environment prior to the first session.

The training items in this article can be completed via your own hands-on exercises or via observation of the trainer's actions. However, as hands-on training is the most effective method of learning, at a minimum we recommend completing the items noted below in green color as hands-on exercises.

Estimated Duration: 1 hour

Work the Project

Project Management Context

Why do we need a stage “Work the Project”? Well, this is where the bulk of the project work takes place. This is where the actual project work occurs. You also need to be mindful that team members are often extremely busy, and you will want to give them some direction on how to proceed, how to work on the project, and how to collaborate. This will enable the team members to successfully contribute to the project and help you to manage the project collaboratively.


Below are exercises to help reinforce the concepts in this category. The lines in green color are suggested hands-on exercises you can try on your own using your organization's BrightWork 365 environment. 


  • Launch the BrightWork 365 app and find the view of projects on the main nav. [Topic info]
  • Find the work assigned to you using the My Work view on the main nav. [Topic info]
  • Find the My Work tab within a project. [Topic info]
  • View the documents within a project. [Topic info]
  • Post a comment in a project's Microsoft Team Channel. [Topic info]


  • Change the status of work assigned to you. [Topic info]
  • Configure a Personal View from an existing view. [Topic info]