Project Management Context
Why do we need to track and re-plan the project? Remember the old Prussian Army saying that no plan will ever survive the first encounter with the enemy. What do we do in this fourth stage? We actively track and honestly re-plan the project with the team. It is quite difficult to do this sometimes, but it is that simple. This is what we need to do.
Below are exercises to help reinforce the concepts in this category. The lines in green color are suggested hands-on exercises you can try on your own using your organization's BrightWork 365 environment.
- Find the work assigned to you across projects from the main nav. [Topic info]
- Change the status of the work assigned to you. [Topic info]
- In a Portfolio's Status tab, change the field values. [Topic info]
- In a Portfolio's Status Reports tab, create a draft status report. [Topic info]