Frequently Asked Questions
How do I move a Program to a different Portfolio? Users with the BrightWork PMO Manager or BrightWork Program Manager security role can change a Program's associated Portfolio from the Program Settings tab (the field is locked on the Statement ...
Portfolio Security & Access
This article is for BrightWork 365 Release 2024-2 and newer.
Project Management Context Organizations do not always want to have entirely open access to their portfolio of projects, but rather need to take a more granular approach to...
Project Management Context
Portfolios are the highest parent level within the BrightWork 365 hierarchy. Portfolios consist of child programs and all of the projects within the respective programs. Your Brigh...
Project Management Context
Programs are the first child level under portfolios, with portfolios being the highest level in the BrightWork 365 hierarchy. It allows users to group related projects together in ...
Power Apps Dashboards Overview
The Dashboards Section
The Dashboards section contains multiple BrightWork 365 Power Apps charts, each with many views of their own for further drilling down into project details.
The first series of char...
Portfolio & Program Status Reporting
Project Management Context
Status reporting is an extremely efficient method for keeping multiple stakeholders informed about how portfolios and programs are progressing. Crucial information such as overall ...
Portfolio & Program Risks
Project Management Context A risk is an unplanned event that has some reasonable likelihood of occurring and would likely have an impact on a project, program, or portfolio. Although risks do not have a certain probability of occurring or level...
Portfolio & Program Issues
Project Management Context An issue is an unplanned event or previously identified risk that has occurred and is likely to have an impact on the objectives of a project, portfolio, or program. Issues will often have a negative effect on scope, ...
Portfolio & Program Actions
Project Management Context
Not all activity in a project rises to the level of a planned Gantt task. There is a lot of other work that needs to get done outside of the Gantt tab, all of whi...
Portfolio & Program Costs and Budgets
The BrightWork 365 Costs tab in Portfolios and Programs provides an easy method for rolling up Project budgets and costs.
Portfolio & Program Level Cost Tracking
To enter the Costs section, click on the C...
Portfolio & Program Communications
Project Management Context
The BrightWork 365 Communications tab provides a comprehensive method for capturing various communication related activities at the project, program, or portfo...
Calendar Views
Project Calendar Views
To display a calendar view of all projects based on their Current Start & Current Finish dates:
Click Projects on the main nav.
Towards the top-left of the screen, click Show As > Calendar .
Work Allocation Reports
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Project Management Context In order to mitigate any potential lack of visibility and communication leading to challenges for project team members, BrightWork 365 provides an easy ...
Power BI Dashboards Overview
Project Management Context
Project teams are generating more data than ever. In order to achieve success, project managers need to compile all of this information int...
Resource Utilization - Power BI
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Project Management Context
Managing resources effectively is fundamental to project success as it helps in controlling costs, optimizing productivity, minimizin...
Project Documents Dashboard - Power BI
The Project Documents Power BI Dashboard displays documents from across your projects and includes links for easy access. The report includes documents from:
Project Requests
Project Tasks
Project Iss...