Customize Other Components

This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer.

Be sure to first read the Customization Notes article.

System Charts

Charts let you see table data in a visual manner. 

To create a system chart, rather than modifying any existing system charts, instead modify a copy of the original chart by loading it from the relevant table in Power Apps and using the Save as method or add a new chart.

For more information see this Microsoft Charts article. Note that Personal Charts can also be configured.

System Views

Views define how rows for a specific table are displayed. A view defines the following:

  • The columns (attributes) to display
  • The width of the columns
  • How the rows are sorted by default
  • Which filters are applied to determine which rows appear in the list by default

To create system views, modify a copy of the original system view, or create a new view, do not modify the original view.

For more information see this Microsoft Views article.

Business Rules

Business Rules apply logic and validations in an interface that lets you do the following:

  • Set column values
  • Clear column values
  • Set column requirement levels
  • Show or hide columns
  • Enable or disable columns
  • Validate data and show error messages
  • Create business recommendations based on business intelligence.

Do not use a Show or Hide business rule in the Project form as this can conflict with configurations set via the Form Configurator. Use the Form Configurator to change visibility of Project form elements.

For more information see this Microsoft Business Rules article.