

Read First: Customization Notes
This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer. Beginning with release September 2023 (v1.8) BrightWork 365 also includes the Form Configurator for an easier and preferred method for hiding/unhiding Project Template...
Catalog of Customizations
Introduction BrightWork 365 out of the box can satisfy the most critical aspects of project and portfolio management and can be configured to provide the added flexibility your organization may need. To take the solution even fu...
Benefits of Moving to Current Project Forms
Introduction If your organization is still creating projects using an older project form, we encourage you to work with your Customer Success Partner to plan the move to the corresponding new project form, along with any customizations you may have...
Add a New Form Tab
This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer. Be sure to first read the Customization Notes article. If you are using BrightWork 365 release September 2023 (v1.8) or newer, also first read  Form Configurator ....
Add a New Form Section
This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer. Be sure to first read the Customization Notes article. If you are using BrightWork 365 release September 2023 (v1.8) or newer, also first read Form Configurator ....
Add a Column to a Form
Be sure to first read the Customization Notes article. If your solution has a custom form and a BrightWork 365 upgrade contains changes to the original out of the box version of that form, the new changes will need to be manually applied to y...
Customize Tables
This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer. Be sure to first read the Customization Notes article. Tables Tables are where BrightWork 365 data is stored. Tables have a list of ‘sub-components’: Columns: It i...
Customize Site Maps
This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer. Be sure to first read the Customization Notes article. Site Maps The purpose of a Site Map is to define the navigation for a Power Platform app such as BrightWork ...
Add a Custom Logo
This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer. Enter the App Designer for the solution. In the Properties  tab add the custom logo as a web resource and select it as the App Tile . ...
Customize Power BI Dashboards
Introduction This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer. Customization of Power BI reports requires a Microsoft Power BI Pro license or an E5/G5 plan (which includes Power BI), and installation of the Microsoft Pow...
Customize Other Components
This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer. Be sure to first read the Customization Notes article. System Charts Charts let you see table data in a visual manner.  To create a system chart, rather than modi...
Using Power Automate to Set the Value of a Lookup Column
This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer. When using Power Automate to set the value of a Lookup column in an unmanaged solution, you must wrap the value in a lookup table plural value (classic name for this is...