Frequently Asked Questions

How do I move a Program to a different Portfolio?

Users with the BrightWork PMO Manager or BrightWork Program Manager security role can change a Program's associated Portfolio from the Program Settings tab (the field is locked on the Statement tab by design).

How do I create a Status Report?

Status Reports are created in the Status Reports tab. You can save draft versions of a report and whenever it's ready to go out you can specify who should get an emailed copy.

How do I specify which colleagues should get emailed a status report?

You can specify within the status report form which colleagues should get emailed a status report.

How do I manage risks including their status and the different people assigned to them?

Programs and Portfolios include a Risks tab for managing risks in a very well-defined manner.

How can I monitor resource allocation and utilization?

BrightWork 365 includes various views and reports that will help you determine resource allocation and overall utilization.