Updated Articles

  1. Costs & Budgets

    2024-03 Your browser does not support HTML5 video. The BrightWork 365 Costs tab provides a comprehensive method for capturing and tracking budgets and costs at the project and individual cost item levels...
  2.  Costs

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  3.  BrightWork Security Roles Details

  4.  User Management

  5.  Starter Project Templates

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  6.  Overview Demo

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  7.  Configuration Options

    Configuration Overview Demo Configuration Extended Demo Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  8.  Resource Utilization

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  9.  Form Configurator

  10. BrightWork Champion

    Who Is This Guide For? This guide is geared to the customer organization's BrightWork Champion, the person responsible for the initial in-app setup of BrightWork 365, including the Program and Portfolio structure, prior to starting the mana...