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  1. Programs

    2024-2 Project Management Context Programs are the first child level under portfolios, with portfolios being the highest level in the BrightWork 365 hierarchy. It allows users to group related projects together in ...
  2. Portfolios

    2024-2 Project Management Context Portfolios are the highest parent level within the BrightWork 365 hierarchy. Portfolios consist of child programs and all of the projects within the respective programs. Your Brigh...
  3. Microsoft Teams Admin Guide

    Create a Microsoft Team for a BrightWork 365 Program Before creating a Microsoft Team for a BrightWork 365 program, check if one has already been created and assigned to the program:  In the Portfolios > Program section of the Site Map, click i...
  4. Security Role Details

    2024-2       BrightWork 365 provides multiple security roles to choose from, each with a different purpose. The roles noted below are grouped by how they are used in the solution. For more granular security role details see the s...
  5. Power Apps Dashboards Overview

    2024-2 The Dashboards Section The Dashboards  section contains multiple BrightWork 365 Power Apps charts, each with many views of their own for further drilling down into project details. The first series of char...
  6. Portfolio & Program Costs and Budgets

    2024-2 The BrightWork 365 Costs tab in Portfolios and Programs provides an easy method for rolling up Project budgets and costs. Portfolio & Program Level Cost Tracking To enter the Costs section, click on the C...
  7. Portfolio & Program Communications

    2024-2             Project Management Context The BrightWork 365 Communications tab provides a comprehensive method for capturing various communication related activities at the project, program, or portfo...
  8. Portfolio & Program Actions

    2024-2           Project Management Context Not all activity in a project rises to the level of a planned Gantt task. There is a lot of other work that needs to get done outside of the Gantt tab, all of whi...
  9. Import a BrightWork Custom Solution

    Import a Custom Solution Supplied by BrightWork If you import a solution into a managed environment, the Power Platform Solution Checker automatically runs. This means that environment Sys Admins will likely get an email indicating that many high ...
  10. Add a Custom Logo

    This article is for BrightWork 365 Release February 2023 (v1.6) and newer. Enter the App Designer for the solution. In the Properties  tab add the custom logo as a web resource and select it as the App Tile . ...